Monday "Gut Check"


It is the end of a “Monday” and as I sit at my desk I am thinking about going home and the myriad of things I need to get done this week. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the daunting tasks that lay ahead of me in any given week. When I feel that way, I just plough through the week and hope for the best. I know that by Thursday I had better have about everything done, or boy am I in trouble.

But wait…one task that is no task but a joy is knowing God and knowing Him better so I can love and honor Him better. How do I approach this joy of knowing God? What guides me from week-to-week? And why do I put God off at times? Some of these answers are easier than others, and the questions themselves convict the very core of who I am. Yes, I am very contemplative this week…some weeks are just like that for me.

Knowing God must become for us children of God the priority of our daily activity. I know that, you know that, but do we practice it? The verse that has really stuck in my mind today is something Paul wrote that challenges and troubles me.

I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)

This challenges me for the obvious reasons…I really want to know Christ who went to the cross for me. I want to know why He did this…I want to know the power of His passion in doing this…I want to know how to have that kind of passion in my life.

This troubles me for one basic reason—I fall so short of doing this! I cannot believe I let time go by without this pursuit as a priority. A major privilege in my life is to preach and teach God’s Word to others. I don’t take this lightly (never have). You put me in a classroom or behind a pulpit and its like saying to a pit bull, “Sic ‘em!” This is what drives me in ministry; I am off the wall in love with helping others understand what God’s Word means for their life.

So, just like many college teams do on Monday afternoon (Clemson definitely needs to do this!)…I do a gut check. Am I for real? Or, am I just going through the motions, pretending to be a pastor? A mentor? A teacher? Honest answers are demanded at this point in the conversation to myself.

How about you? Read Philippians 3:8 carefully and do a “gut check” today. Is your passion to know the Savior who died for you? And, how do you express that passion? How do you pursue “knowing Christ”?

I Love Ya!

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