What Are Your Plans?

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We are certainly ramping up for the time of year where "busyness" rules the day. Events and plans pull us in so many directions. We will have practices to make, dinners to prepare, functions to attend, and countless shopping trips to make. This is a forewarning that life is just going to get busy, but please don't forget about the priorities God has set for our lives! Three come to this tormented mind...

God. In the mad rush to "get things done" there is not greater target in our lives than the preeminence of God. We are taught throughout Scripture that God must come first before everything and everyone else. "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" (Matthew 6:33), "do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31), and "do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Colossians 3:17) are just three verses out of many that point us to the highest priority in our lives--the supremacy of God's glory.

Family. Satan would love to throw a monkey wrench into the works of our families. But remember, God created the family in order to show the world a portrait of His church (read Ephesians 5:22-6:4). A shattered and dysfunctional family is a glory to the greed and passions of the world in which we live, but a family that functions as God designed it from the beginning (and throughout Scripture) is one that will attract others to the abundant grace of a relationship in Christ.

Church. God's church is who we are, not where we go. I believe that the overabundant attention given to buildings and budgets in our day is one leading factor that the church marketing strategy is so prevalent in Christianity. We must never forget the value of the church for which our Savior gave His life. We are the new creation of the living God (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are the Father's sons and daughters whom He finds precious.

Let's not let the urgent needs of a busy lifestyle strip away the priorities God thinks are important. Keeping things in order is not achieved by accident, we must plan and then carefully guard those plans. So, what are your plans?

Grace & Peace,

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