The Way I Remember 9-11

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This Sunday, September 11, marks the tenth anniversary of the attack on our country. This event is one of those in our lives when we will always remember where we were and what we were doing. At the first mention that something tragic happened, there was a mad dash to find a TV, and for the most of the rest of the day that is all we did - sit and watch in disbelieving confusion. On that morning 19 terrorists took over 4 planes. Two planes were crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City, 1 plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and 1 more was taken over by passengers and crashed in an empty field in Pennsylvania. It took 2 hours for the Twin Towers to fall. Almost 3,000 people died that day. 9-11 has had a huge impact in America, some for the good and some for the bad. I can think of two I would like us to think about as we remember this weekend.

First, a tragedy like this shakes us to our very core. We stand in disbelief that something like this could happen here. We have a hard time putting something as terrible as this in a category where we can analyze it and eventually figure it out. It is beyond our understanding. One thing I have learned is that bad people will continue to to bad things, but it is up to good people to make changes, and the only changes that will last are those for eternity. It is only the Gospel introduced into this situation that will make an eternal difference. Elected officials will make policies, but Christians must share the crucified King!

Second, a tragedy like this shapes our future. 9-11 plunged us into war and economic crisis. It is difficult to find an accurate number of Americans killed since the terrorist attack on U.S. soil, but one source stated that 8,800 Americans have been killed in the war on terror (both military and civilian). We have sent thousands our our children overseas to fight this war, and it will forever shape the landscape of our country's history. But I have another question, "How has it shaped us spiritually?" Something as terrible as this should shape the Church into a haven of peace and security when we find none in the world. the Church must be shaped into prayer, an allegiance to the Gospel as the only answer, and as place where people find answers to spiritual questions.

We should never forget 9-11. I don't believe it would do any good to ignore what happened, but we must also take solace in the fact that Christ is still reigning and He has invaded the kingdom of darkness through the cross. Terrorism will win if the landscape of America is unchanged spiritually because of September 11, 2001.

Grace & Peace,

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