You Refreshed My Soul!

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There are times in our life when we need help. You know what I mean...times when it feels like we've been crossing a desert and we need a refreshing drink of clean, cold water. The problem is that we know what we need, but we can't get it on our own; we need someone else to give us that drink - we need someone to refresh us. Honestly this has been my life lately. With everything going on with the new building, messages to get ready, people to see, decision to be made, family to pay attention to, and life to live, I've simply needed someone to come along and refresh my soul. My family does a great job of this on a daily basis. Barb tells me how much she loves and appreciates me, and my children send me texts and Facebook posts. But sometimes you need a little need to know from other people that you're doing a good job. And this is exactly what took place Sunday morning when a group of men came forward at the end of the service and each of them said a meaningful, heartfelt word of encouragement to me. Each of those embraces and words spoken in my ear reached their intended target. I walked away not just thinking that we are going to get through this relocation, but that I'm going to stick around and cast a vision for this congregation and teach this congregation until they can't stand me hanging around anymore!

Now before you go and think that I've gone all narcissistic on you and I need to be mollycoddled, I want you to remember that even the great apostle Paul needed encouragement and refreshing from time-t0-time. When he wrote to the Corinthian believers he made the following statement,

I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus...for they refreshed my spirit... (1 Corinthians 16:17-18).

Now I realize Paul was under a great deal more pressure than myself or most contemporary preachers, but I believe the application is available for today.

During this Thanksgiving week I want the congregation of Calvary Church to know that you are the best flock to under-shepherd. I love being your pastor and count it an honor to be a part of each of your lives. Thank you for coming back week after week.

Grace & Peace,

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