Praying for Our Graduates

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Graduations are upon us! Yes, its that time of year when we celebrate and congratulate. Every graduate feels a sense of accomplishment that deserves recognition. At Calvary Church we have a tradition of jumping right in and recognizing our high school graduates on Graduation Sunday. This Sunday, May 20th is that Sunday. We will start things off with breakfast at 9 a.m. honoring our graduate Jared Waters. During this time we will have a basket in which we can put cards and gifts to bless Jared as he takes the next step. In the fall he will be attending Auburn University.

One of the reasons we do this is to bring attention to our graduates so that we remember to pray for them. Prayer truly is the greatest gift we can give our young people. They face greater trials and pressures every year. It is both our duty and delight to take them before the throne of grace and pray for their endurance. We need to pray they make good choices. We need to pray they study hard and remember what they’ve studied. We need to pray they excel and find God’s will for their lives.

Reading through Paul’s letters will leave one with a sense that he valued prayer. He prayed for the churches and he asked them to pray for him. If we read the Bible as instruction for us, and I think we should, then prayer needs to be a focused ministry in the church. Prayer cannot be taken lightly and should not be neglected.

Pray without ceasing…pray for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 25)

Grace & Peace,

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