It Is Amazing What God Will Do!

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It is mind boggling, amazing, off-the-chain, stupendous, awesome, and every other-over-the-top adjective you can think of to describe the provision God makes when we begin to earnestly pray! I am humbled but not surprised at what God is doing at Calvary Church. He made the greatest investment to secure our future – His Son. Since He was willing to make a sacrifice as great as that, then I am absolutely confident that He will answer prayers that have a concern for His honor and the rescue of those whom He loves.
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly that all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen!” (Ephesians 3:20-21)
That about sums it up. Paul, who wrote the bulk of the New Testament, beautifully articulated what we need to hear today. Here are a couple of thoughts for you to ponder this week:
First, Paul begins with God’s glory. That is the best place to start with anything. Our prayers need to be saturated with a desire for God to be glorified. This saturation will keep our prayers in check from becoming petitions to fulfill the desires of our own hearts.
Second, we need to stop limiting what God can do. God’s ability is beyond what we can petition (“ask”) and what we can imagine (“think”). Whenever I look at my ability I have every reason to panic, but when I look at God’s ability I have all the reason I need to trust.
Since I have started to urgently pray about the unity of the church, new families becoming a part of the church and the financial needs of the church, I have had a peace about everything and a freedom in the study and in the pulpit. This is what God has done in me in the last few weeks; what has He done in you?
Friends, we don’t need to panic, worry, stress and lose sleep over things that we place in the sovereign hands of God. It’s only when we try to control things that are out of our control that we need to hit the panic button. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get on our knees and fervently pray!
Grace & Peace,

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