Every Sunday Is Fathers Day!

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Father’s Day should be a great day for families! I realize that with our current culture in which we are immersed and with the onslaught of Satan’s constant attacks against the family, this may not be the case for some reading this. The fabric of many families has been ripped to shreds, but it doesn’t mean we need to lose hope. No, we have all the reason in the world to hope and celebrate Father’s Day. You may be scratching your heads and asking, “How so, Scott?”
There is comfort and encouragement for all who have been saved no matter the sate of fatherhood in our lives. You see, when we turned to God in real faith we were immediately adopted into a heavenly home and were given a new Father who is God Almighty. He is worthy of honoring and celebrating on this Father’s Day! If we think about it, isn’t every Sunday Father’s Day? Follow my logic if you will…
We sing His praises and thank Him for being faithful to us. A believer’s worship is Father-focused, not self-focused. Our worship is audible and visible: we sing, we pray, we speak and we obey. We do all of this for the glory of God.
We bring gifts to Him every week. I’ve never been in a Sunday service when an offering has not been taken. Christians freely and joyfully give. It is not under compulsion or the treat of expulsion that we give, we give because our heavenly Father has given so much to us. Our giving is a response to the generosity of God.
We regularly eat a meal with Him. Granted, it is not a typical Sunday meal, and it is one that He has paid for in full (No, wait, that’s what father’s do on Father’s Day when they go out to eat with their family!). However, the Lord’s Supper is completely different because it remembers the great sacrificial price God paid to rescue us from sin and rebellion. Nonetheless it is a meal that is totally focused on our heavenly Father and His Son, our Brother, Jesus Christ.
So let’s celebrate our earthly fathers this Sunday, and let’s especially give honor and praise to our heavenly Father every week!
Happy Father’s Day,

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