God's Favorite Christmas Memory


This past Sunday night (12/14/08) some of the folks at Calvary shared their favorite Christmas memory. The service was both touching and funny. It is amazing what is locked up in our brains, and probably even more amazing what comes spilling out of our mouths! Something came to my mind as I was sitting there. No, I’ll not share everything that came to my mind…that would be ecclesiastical suicide, but I will tell you the most captivating thought:

What would be God’s favorite memory of Christmas?

The only time the Almighty Creator of the universe really celebrated Christmas was the first one (if indeed we could call it the first Christmas). Reading the account of His Son’s birth in Luke 2 proves that it was a celebration in the Father’s sight. He sent His angels to announce this great event, and the invitation went to the last people on this little ball of dirt it should have gone to—the shepherds. The focus of the birth announcement was on the glory God would receive in giving this gift:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased. (Luke 2:14)

As the years passed there are no other grand celebrations surrounding Jesus’ birthday. It was only when God the Father gave the gift of His Son that we have this celebration. God was celebrating His gift to His creation even though He was fully aware of the outcome in giving this gift. (He did plan it all.) He knew His gift would be rejected. In fact, Christ would be rejected to the point of being put to death! Yet, God gives the gift anyway!

Now why would I say this was God’s favorite memory of Christmas? Precisely because it summed up what was in God’s heart for the human race from the beginning: He would receive honor through a relationship with His most prized creation!

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

You see, God doesn’t want a temporary relationship with us; His intention is to have a relationship that is permanent. The only way this could be accomplished is through giving His Son, even though the end result of that gift is the death of His Son. So God accomplishes what He set out to do when Jesus was born. I believe this is why there was such a celebration at the birth of the Son, and thus God’s favorite memory of Christmas!

Grace & Peace,

Comment (1)

Hey Scott, I wrote my own blog on God's favorite Christmas memory after what you said Sunday night. Check it out.

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