We have seen much over the last week and a half. We have driven through the heartland of America and been simply amazed at all the corn! I could literally close my eyes while driving through Illinois or Iowa, open them ten minutes later and not have missed a thing. The sameness of the landscape almost put me to sleep which is kinda dangerous when you're the one driving. But something came to mind as I looked at those miles of cornfields--the strength of our country. The mid-west is the breadbasket of our country and without this agricultural powerhouse we would be doomed. Those cornfields represent to me hardworking USA. It reminds me of farmers who get up while the sun is still below the horizon because they have "work" to do. It reminds me of the struggles we all have in life, but by God's amazing grace we will make it through one day at a time. And it reminds me of being responsible enough not to quit.
This vacation has been a wonderful time for us. We are ready to come home and get back to "normal" life. I want to thank Calvary for allowing us this time away. You have provided us with time away that has been necessary for us. We have seen and experienced first hand God's amazing grace. We look forward to getting back with you in worship, fellowship and service. I believe God has a year in store for us that will surprise and amaze us.
Grace & Peace,
I love you guys so much. Words could not describe how much. :)
This vacation was DEFINITELY much needed for you and I am so glad that you guys (especially my lovely Courtneypoo) got to get away from this town and everything in it for just a few weeks! I know that it will make you all much happier, but with that being said, COME HOME PLEASE! I MISS YOU A LOT!
thank you! <3