Touching Lives for Eternity

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I came across something while reading last week that arrested my attention and has had be thinking this week:

"I am not saying you have to go to church to be a Christian, but you also do not have to go home to be married" (R. Kent Hughes). Think about it!

"Going to church" has fallen on hard times and I can understand why. In large part it is due to the unbiblical emphasis on buildings, budgets and programs. The church has become big business with pastors we are seen as CEO's (or better yet CFO's). We (pastors) are clamoring for all the wrong things are are spending so much time in lunch meetings that the only thing growing is our waistline. (And when we are growing our waistline, then I believe it is a "waste of time"!) The important things of ministry have been long-neglected...things like studying the Word, praying for the sheep, and visiting the widows and orphans. When we (pastors) do this then we are subtly teaching the disciples of Jesus that cash flow is more important than God's honor and that the next strategy meeting is a higher priority than people's needs.

Change begins with the under-shepherd of the flock. I am reminded of what James worte,

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James 1:27 ESV)

I believe that without people you can't have a church, and people won't come (much less stay) if you won't touch their lives. So, we need to give people a reason to come to Calvary Church and I believe that reason comes through personal contact, not in ornate buildings, or multi-million dollar budgets, or even elaborately planned programs.

Remember, if our focus is on buildings then people get used, but if our focus is on people then buildings get used!

Grace & Peace,

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