A Simple Life

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Is it possible to live a simple life? What I mean by this is, is it necessary that my level of comfort increases proportionately with my level of income? It is all too common that the more money we make the more "things" we buy, and soon our lives are defined more by what we have in the garage or in our retirement fund and less by what we have in Christ. Think about it along these lines: Do you remember living on less income than you have coming in now and being just as happy (if not happier)? Has it happened to you? It has happened to me. Let me explain how we got ourselves into this situation and why it is important to get out!

First is the "how." Simply put we have followed the American dream of prosperity. We bought into the lie that we deserve bigger houses and nicer cars. We have fallen prey to the envy monster and heeded the call of greed. Just take a look around and ask, "Do I really need these things, and when was the last time I used them anyway?"

A simple lifestyle is a lifestyle that doesn't evolve at the rate of our increase in pay. It is a lifestyle of contentment. In fact, it is interesting that when Paul wrote "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" he was talking about being content with what God provided (cf. Philippians 4:10-13).

Now "why" is it important to get away from chasing the American "nightmare" of more? Because the gospel is at stake. If we are greedy then the world will see no difference between their living and ours. Contentment is a powerful witness in a world that clamors after more! We must consider that the money God provides for us is not for our ever increasing pleasure, but for His ever powerful kingdom. Jesus' words are most appropriate, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21).

I'm still working this out in my life, but it is something God is teaching me.

Grace & Peace,

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