"Life Comes at You Fast!"

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One of the funnier commercials I enjoy is the one that uses the slogan: "Life comes at you fast." That message was illustrated audibly and visibly Monday afternoon (2-1-10). I was engrossed in some good reading on a passage in Ephesians when through the city's cacophony of noises I heard the unmistakable sounds of a traffic accident right out my window (you know...the screeching of brakes and a loud crash!). Well, that interrupted my day, and after calling 911 Amanda and I proceeded to do a running commentary of what was going on below us on Pearl Street. I don't think any of the five people involved in the accident was thinking their day would end like that.

For me this was a lesson on the unexpected and sometimes unwanted, and life is full of this. Yes, I plan out my day and try to stick to a schedule, but every once in a while the unplanned thing happens and changes everything. I have to be okay with this because I firmly believe in God's control of events and I equally reject fate. I am not saying that God causes bad things to happen, but He does control those bad things. Nothing takes God by surprise, and He knows just what I need and how much I can handle. God never says, "Oops," or "I didn't see that coming." What is a real comfort for the follower of Jesus in all of this is that God can turn even the most severe event into a life-changing episode for the good. Paul wrote,

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 ESV)

I look out my window and see the remnants of the accident: some shattered glass and plastic and the paint the officers used to mark the scene of the accident. As long as the paint remains it will be a vivid remind that life comes at you fast, but I can trust that God is working things out in my life for His purpose.

Grace & Peace,

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