The Tsunami of God's Grace

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Sunday at lunch we were gathered around the table talking about everything from how our jobs were going to church to Haiti. The conversation when from the Haiti earthquake to one of our favorite subjects: Life in Alaska. Mom was recounting the great Alaska earthquake of '64 when my brother said something about the largest recorded tsunami in history. He checked his Blackberry and yes, he was right, it was in the 1950's, July 9, 1958 to be exact. It happened in Lituya Bay when an earthquake hit the Fairweather Fault along the Alaska Panhandle. It was reported that 40 million cubic yards of rock dropped 3,000 feet and landed in Gilbert Inlet. The result of the impact was the largest tsunami that created a wave 1720 feet high (47 feet taller than the Empire State Building). It stripped trees and vegetation off the nearby mountains at that height. Nothing could stop the devastation of this tsunami. I use this as a point of stressing the power of God's grace.

When God breaks into a person's life the results are mind-boggling. God's grace to transform a life is one of the undeniable miracles still taking place in the world today. Grace is not merely a "little" thing that God does, no, it is a deluge of His work in our life and nothing can stand in the way of grace when it rains down.

Do you get it? I really want you to get it and explore and appreciate the tsunami of God's powerful grace. Paul labors to get this point across in Ephesians. He calls this grace "glorious" (Ephesians 1:6). In attempting to describe the power of God that has invaded broken lives he writes, "having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might" (Ephesians 1:18-19 ESV, emphasis mine). Paul is praying that we would get a clue about God's powerful, glorious, life-changing, tsunami-like grace.

Pause for a moment and think about this for your life personally. Don't run to the altar of decision, but to the altar of appreciation. Thank God as He reminds you of how this grace invaded and took over your life. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, can evade the effects of God's glorious grace!

Grace & Peace,

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