Faithful Wounds

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Wounding someone is devastating but at times very necessary. Now I'm not writing this to advocate we go out and shoot someone in the leg or run him or her over with our bicycle. No, that's not the kind of wounding I'm talking about. I'm talking about wounding people with honest rebuke or correction. You know, telling them the truth even though the truth may wound them for a time. Too many people are walking around thinking everything is ok simply because we don't want to wound them with honesty. It's like watching somebody make the bed while the house is on fire. We see people making a mess of their lives knowing we could help them with a word of warning, but we are willing to keep our mouth shut because we are afraid of either hurting their feelings or running them off as a friend. But the stakes are too high!

Solomon wrote,

Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
Profuse are the kisses of an enemy. (Proverbs 27:5)

This takes risk on our part. We have to be willing to risk a friendship for the sake of helping someone take another step spiritually. It's not only risky but also painful...I've been on both the giving and receiving ends of rebuke and correction. But I've also realized the great joy that can come when I respond correctly or when someone I am trying to help responds correctly.

And always remember the words of Paul,

...Restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. (Galatians 6:1)

Grace & Peace,

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