Unity or Unanimity?

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As I sit in my office on this Sunday afternoon I'm thinking about the vote we took this morning to sell. The vote was 87% in favor of selling, so it wasn't unanimous. I am trying to think through what this means. So here goes...

Does this mean that we are not unified? Absolutely not! Just because we don't agree on everything doesn't mean that we are not unified. Our unity is not based on geography; our unity is based on theology. Our purpose as a church is to glorify God, reach the unsaved, and disciple the believers. This purpose doesn't change when we relocate. The glory of God is not localized. We are not locked into accomplishing God's will in a particular place.

Unity is not unanimity! "Unanimity" is defined as "the quality or state of being unanimous" (www.merriam-webster.com/netdict/unanimity), whereas "unity" is defined as "a condition of harmony: accord" (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/unity). It is actually rare that a body of believers (or any group of people for that matter) will be in 100% agreement on anything. And I don't believe it is essential that we are unanimous on non-essentials. It is necessary that we find ourselves in a state of unity on the essentials of our faith.

Paul wrote the following to the Philippian believers:

Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind (Philippians 2:2).

As a pastor it is my desire to share in Paul's joy by experiencing this same type of unity in the church. I would describe it as a church that is focused on the same purpose of making the glory of God the target at which we aim using the arrows of worship that is God-exalting, discipleship that is cross-centered, fellowship that is grace-focused, and outreach that is world-impacting. Calvary Baptist Church...YOU ARE MY JOY!

Grace & Peace,

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