Are We Living for God's Glory or Bricks & Sticks?

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This has been one of those "good news...bad news" weeks. The good news is that the leadership of Calvary Baptist Church is recommending a building, a builder, a bank, and a loan amount; the bad news is that I had to call and let the other builder know that they didn't get the job. Yeah, that's hard for me because I don't like giving people bad news. The good news is that we are now able to move forward; the bad news is that some don't want to move at all. The good news is that another decision has been made; the bad news is that this one decision creates many more decisions yet to be made. Ok, I think you get the picture.

I want to quickly give you a perspective on this from my heart as a pastor. I see the opportunity in all this to being great glory to our worthy God. He is absolutely without question a magnificent God and everything we do I see as a grove that is ripe for picking the fruit of exalting God's name higher than we ever have.

I am not simply looking to pick this God-exaling fruit when we finally relocate; I want to do it right now. If we don't seek opportunities to honor His name now, I believe we won't in the future just because we are in a new place. Every day must be seen as a day to honor Him and let others know about His majesty. Getting to a new place isn't going to magically change things for us. In fact, it will create more problems that are unique to that location. But, if we are consistently trying to hit the target of glorifying God now, then no matter where we are that will continue to be our theme.

If we are driven by a consuming desire to let others know how great God is, then we will not be consumed with selfish desires about a new building on a different piece of dirt. God made us to glory in Himself, not in bricks and sticks. At least one difference between to two is how long they will last. Living for God outlasts and outstrips living for a building.

Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! (Psalm 34:3)

Grace & Peace,

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