Loving Passionately for the Long Haul

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The old saying goes, "Love is in the air." Yes, it's that time of year again--Valentines Day. Maybe this will simply serve as a reminder to the men out there (because we know our ladies don't need the reminder). Today I want to charge all of us to love biblically, and to accomplish this let's quickly look at love in two ways.

On the one hand, the worldly system in which we live bombards us with counterfeits to genuine love. The media portrays love as something that is easy to get into and easier to escape from. This type of love is Satan's imitation to the genuine thing. It is a love that has very little to do with choice and very much to do with feeling and attraction. It is something that comes and goes, and when it comes we are taught to grab it with gusto, but when the good feelings fade then we are free to move on. Western society not only gives us permission to love in this way but also encourages it.

On the other hand, God created us to love passionately for the long haul. It is not some ho-hum love nor is loving a lazy affair. The object of our love is someone whom we must follow hard after. This love is going to take commitment, patience and sacrifice. Loving someone doesn't come easy or cheap; in fact, it can be difficult and downright expensive. But God teaches us that the end result is worth it all. After all, it was His love that drove Him to sacrifice,

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Grace & Peace,

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