The Warmth of the Embrace

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It is always exciting for us when somebody new comes to Calvary. We love visitors because we like to meet new people who might potentially turn into active members! Now, when somebody joins it is like Christmas all over again. This is what happened last Sunday...welcome John & Pam Suder!

We want to get down that isle and hug their neck or shake their hand; we want to shout "Hallelujah"; we want to shed tears of joy. Why all the emotion? We are emotional about people joining because they have come to know us, and they want to be a part of what God is us to at Calvary Church, and that brings joy to our souls. It touches a spiritual nerve deep inside us.

We must never take new people for granted. Whether someone is visiting or joining, it is our responsibility to make them feel like they've come home. God has enough "cold fish" churches out there that He is trying to light a fire under, let's not be one of them. Let's strive to be warm and loving to the sisters and brothers who come our way.

With the same breath I also want to say we must never take each other for know, the old people. Calvary is a family, and one of the characteristics that make us who we are is the way we treat one another week after week. This sense of family has always existed here. I'm not sure how it got started, but it is imperative that we keep it going. No matter what God does to us numerically in the future we must strive to maintain our family atmosphere.

What will you do now that you've read this? Not everyone who reads this electronically or in The Calvarette attends Calvary Baptist Church, but the lesson is still the same. You will make a difference where God has placed you. You can be the one who brings warmth to a cold place. We never know what people are going through, and it may just be the warmth of our embrace that lifts their spirits out of the pit of despair.

Grace & Peace,

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