The Farmers - Missionaries to Cambodia

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We had another great day worshipping the Lord this past Sunday at Calvary. We had a few visitors and that is always nice. I guess seeing new people means that we are getting the word out about the awesome work that God is still doing in His church. It gives me pause to give thanks to God for calling me to pastor this group of followers, and it gives me hope for the future. We will still be passionately serving the Lord in the years to come!

I want to spend just a few minutes talking about one family that came this past Sunday. I have been in contact with them for almost a year. They are missionaries going to Cambodia. The purpose of their visit was to share with us their biblical vision and godly desire to go to a foreign land with their five precious children. The family I am talking about is the Farmers (Jeremy, Bonnie Ruth, Abby, Isobel, Gloria, Eden and Judson). You learn a lot about a couple's character by watching them as a family, and I can say without hesitation that this is a family of great integrity. Everyone at Calvary thoroughly enjoyed interacting with their well-behaved and fun children. In all, the day spent with the Farmers gave me hope. They were a joy to have with us!

At the evening fellowship and Bible study Jeremy shared his family's vision for not only God's calling on their lives but also how the Church is involved in this great task. He handled the Word well and he wove their mission to Cambodia into the presentation flawlessly. I was both encouraged and challenged at the end of the night. As a family they definitely evidenced the call of God on their lives, and they have the "coupons" to get the job done right.

In the days since I have had a few people approach me about how we can partner with them now! First, we must be praying for them. We can do this most effectively by picking up their prayer card, visiting their website (, and friending them on facebook (Solid Joys - The Farmers in Cambodia). Second, begin praying about supporting them financially. I am praying for wisdom about how as a church we can do this without waiting. Pray with me and I am sure the Lord will show us the way.

Grace & Peace,

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