Building to Spread God's Glory

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Are you ready to build? I am! We still have many questions that need answers, but we are progressing in the direction of breaking ground very soon. I don't think it is good enough to just come up with an answer to a question, I believe we need to ask why we came up with that answer. In other words, what is driving us to do what we are doing? Here is my attempt to ground us as we continue to make decisions today that will affect us years down the road.

We are not here to build an empire for ourselves. The buildings we build will not be ornate or built for the glory of self. As God leads and provides we will build buildings that are functionally simple. The decisions we make as a church will be driven by keeping our focus on the target: to spread the fame of God. We accomplish this great task through worship that is God-exalting, discipleship that is cross-centered, fellowship that is grace-focused, and outreach that is world-impacting.

Buildings are a means to an end; they are tools we can use; they are not the legacy we leave future generations. No matter how well built a structure is we can be certain that it will decay and crumble one day. But seeking to honor God through worship, discipleship, fellowship and outreach will outlast our lives here on the earth. Just think of all the lives that have been changed by God through Calvary Baptist Church...those who have been saved, the weddings, the baby dedications, and the baptisms.

Our life here is but a temporary existence and I believe we must build buildings that reflect we are not home yet. We are citizens of another country and to sink our roots too deeply into this world is dangerous. Building elaborate structures leads to falling in love with a building and ends in shifting our attention from the heavenly city not build with human hands (cf. Hebrews 11:13-16).

Are we ready to build? Certainly, but let's build with a focus on spreading the honor of God in this world!

Grace & Peace,

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