The Trees Are Down!

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The trees are least the pine ones are! This is progress and progress is exciting. Removing the trees was the next step in the many that we will take in the months ahead. Did you realize that we are a short six months away from moving? I usually like to take a look ahead which is good, but sometimes it can be depressing. It is good because we are taking each step into the future by faith. the future is only something that God knows and if we remember that then we will not be anxious about the future. It can also be depressing because of all the work that needs to be done before we move. Here is what yet needs to be done:

First, we need to decide how much money God would allow us to borrow. This will be the main item of discussion of Sunday night (5-15-11). Please come as we discuss the recommendation of the deacons and myself. As one deacon said, "This is not a problem for God...He has no problems."

Second, we need to finish cleaning and inventorying the approximately 48,000 sq. ft. we presently occupy. This project has been going "swimmingly." Each month we set aside one Saturday to attack an area of the building. I would guess that we are about 38.6492% done.

Third, we need to raise money for certain items we will need in the new building. What things? We will need a stage, phone system, and chairs for the auditorium. Those are immediate needs, but others will need our attention in the near future (security system, replacing tables, replacing the sound system, a sign, and landscaping).

I am confident in the Lord as I look to the future of Calvary Church. The reason I feel this way is because it isn't up to us, it is up to Almighty God and nothing is impossible for His to accomplish. the one activity that has been on my mind more than usual for us is prayer. This is not a time to fret; it is a time to pray. I would also encourage you to be fasting-praying if the Lord leads you to do so.

I believe that if we attempt this without God's help and leadership we will not have tapped into His inexhaustible resources. God is a God who does the impossible. We must be a praying and working church. We will only see fruit as we do this work God's way!

Grace & Peace,

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