The Building Is Not the Church!

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We made it! God got us in the building and with the help of many people we were able to get everything moved. So much stuff…so little time! Thank you to everyone who sacrificed their extra Christmas time off to load the trucks and trailers and then turn around and unload them. I love you and appreciate every box and piece of furniture you pick up. Remember: “The moving of 47,000 sq. ft. of stuff begins with the lifting of one box!”

We’ve been in the new building for a week and a half and the dust is still settling. I’ve been told the dust will be floating around for the next year! But isn’t it just plain wonderful and exciting to be in a new building. This is a first for me (and for many of you as well). As I reflect on this momentous move to a new location I’ve been thinking…

We must always keep something in mind: as beautiful and wonderful as this new building is, it is still just a building – it is not the church. We are the church and 4000 Parris Bridge Road just happens to be the location where we are meeting. I love this building and everything it represents, but I also realize that one day it will be torn down (destroyed) or renovated. The true Church of Jesus will never be destroyed.

…On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).

Over the years the face of the Church has changed, its programs have evolved, but the essence of what the Church is has not changed one iota. No matter what we do as humans we really cannot change God’s Church. Let’s remember that.

Secondly, and I’ve said this before, if our focus is on the building people will get used, but if our focus is on the glory of God and the good of His people the building will get used! As much as I love this new building I love God and you so much more. If we zero in on the majestic splendor of a great God and His purpose in saving humanity then I believe the buildings we have will be used for the right purpose.

I love being your pastor. Stop by anytime. I can’t promise I’ll always be available, but if I have the time I would love to get you a cup of coffee and talk.

Grace & Peace,

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