What Is a "Great" Church?

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I have often heard pastors and other people say, “Such-and-such church is a great church!” My mind then begins to ask a lot of questions. I know I would get myself into trouble and possibly lose some friends if I openly asked these questions. So, at the risk of saying “goodbye” to some, here are my questions…

“Why is that church a great church?”

“What are the criteria for a church being great?”

“Does the Bible ever call a church great?”

Here are my observations...Usually when a church is referred to as a great church it is because it is large, or it has a nationally known pastor, or it has a beautiful campus, or it is in a multi-million dollar building program, or it is on the radio, at least, and maybe even on television. These, in part, seem to be the litmus test for labeling a church as “great.”

More observations…What about churches that don’t pass this test? What are we? I can pretty much guarantee that you will never have a nationally known pastor. (Although I did make it on the front cover of the Spartanburg Today) We are not large, nor in a multi-million dollar building program, nor on the radio. (We might make the funnies!) What does this make us and churches like us? Are we the opposite of great? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!!

If we look at the Bible we find that the early church’s focus was not on the things that we focus on today. The church was focused on honoring God by impacting their world with the good news.

Paul commended the church in Rome for their faith, not their size,

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. (Romans 1:8; cf. Colossians 1:3-4)

He commended the church in Ephesus for their faithfulness, not their building,

…To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1:1)

He commended the church in Philippi for their partnership, not their budget,

…I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel…. (Philippians 1:4-5)

Being big or being known or having a lot of buildings is not the criteria I see in scripture. Being a great church is being faithful to what God has called us to do while on this little ball of dirt we call earth…Honoring God by impacting our world with the gospel! Remember this lesson: Comparison kills contentment! And always remember what an AWESOME church Calvary is!

I Love You,


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