Hoarding Is Sinful

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Shortages create panic and when panic sets in people have a tendency to hoard. Have you ever tried to buy water after a severe weather announcement? Try going to WalMart when there is a threat of a snow and the possibility of Spartanburg County being shut down for three days looms in everyone's mind. What happens? County-wide panic! We get in our cars, head down to the nearest WalMart, BiLo, Ingles, or whatever and buy enough water to drown a pregnant cow. We also buy enough batteries to light the town of Chesnee for three months! We hoard all these things to produce some sense of security. Now, I'm all for a moderate emergency plan, but come on...really?

I believe this same thing happens when it comes to the gifts God has given us (i.e., money, time, giftedness, a message). For example: we are facing a current financial crisis. This is no mystery, but what have we done as believers in response to this crisis? Some have looked at the economy and panicked. They have begun to worry about what is going to happen tomorrow and so they run to the "WalMart" (i.e., the bank) to stockpile what they don't think they'll have in the near future (i.e., money). This is hoarding and hoarding is foolish. Taking our eyes off of the Provider always produces panic.

When Jesus was illustrating the truth about being careful with greed and that life does not consist in the things we have (Luke 12:15), He told the story of the rich guy who looked at his stuff and said, "Boy, I've got a lot of stuff. What should I do? I know, I'll demolish my two-car garage and build a four-car garage." Jesus calls him a fool because he is making decisions without thinking about God, and those decisions will carry with him after he died. Jesus ends by saying, "So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God" (v. 21).

The problem with hoarding is trust. This "rich fool" wouldn't trust God because his "stuff" got in the way. God provides for us not so that we can keep it all to ourselves, but so that we can get it out into Kingdom work. God never intended that we keep all we have and store it for a rainy day. We have to trust Him and under His leadership give away what we have (Luke 6:38).

Grace & Peace,

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