Common Grace in MLB!

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Everyone is weighing in on the obviously bad call made by MLB umpire Jim Joyce on Wednesday night (6-2-10). His call cost a young pitcher, Armando Galarraga, from the Detroit Tigers a place in history. Here's my bit of insight...

I think the call should stand, yea, it must stand. Being human is part of the game, and a bad call is simply a bad call. Yes, I do believe Galarraga deserves a perfect game and he deserves to go down in history as the man who pitched the 21st perfect game in MLB history. But to reverse the call because we can replay them on a monitor rapes the purity of the game. I detest replays in any sport.

Also, if we had instant replay in baseball then we would have totally missed what these two men showed us over the last couple of days. I loved Galarraga's immediate response, he smiled. That's class. He never became angry...he just stepped up to the mound and pitched the ball one more time. That was awesome.

Jim Joyce apologized as soon as he was given the opportunity. He displayed humility for all of us to see. He took the blame and all the heat. He didn't run, didn't make any excuses, he just manned up to his error!

What I have witnessed from these two men is common grace. This is what the world needs to see, especially in the juiced-up, entitlement-ridden professional sports world. Maybe even our softball church leagues should take notice!

Grace & Peace,

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