How Do We Best Honor Dads on Father's Day?

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This week we honor fathers. And just what is the best way we can accomplish this task? How can we honor our fathers best, not only on June 20th, but every other day of the year as well? Perhaps John expressed it best when writing to the disciple, Gaius.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 4)

Let me first challenge dads, and then I will return to children...

The greatest, best and most lasting legacy we can leave our children is not land or a large bank account, but a desire to know God by walking in the truth. Contemporary society puts pressure on dads to secure their children's future by providing for them financially. This is all well and good but it falls short of what God desires us men to do for our kids. We can't control the stock market or interest rates on CDs. This leaves us short in the end if that is all we are leaving our kids. But what lasts for eternity, what really counts in the long run, and what really outstrips economics is the truth in Jesus (cf. Ephesians 4:20-21). This is how we can fulfill the admonition Paul gives to "bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4).

As children the best way we can honor dad is to continue walking in the truth they taught us. I believe all of us Christian dads will agree that nothing brings a smile to our faces and a deep sense of satisfaction more than knowing that our kids are honoring God by walking consistently in truth.

Happy Father's Day,

P.S. Keep Tammy Gilbert in your prayers this week as she serves the Lord in Honduras. She will return on June 27.

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