Be Still

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Watching the back and forth motion of the earth moving and compaction equipment is mesmerizing. It has quite a cool soothing effect on me. I try to squeeze a little time a few days a week to drive out to the new property and watch. I love to see the progress that each day and week brings, and I enjoy the distraction. It's sort of like a cheap alternative to going to the beach and watching the waves roll up on the sand. I just know better than to take along a beach umbrella and chair and set up in the middle of 4026 Parris Bridge Road - although it would be sort of fun to see what reactions it would generate!

Sometimes we need a break from the cacophony of the crowd. At our downtown location all I hear all day is the noise of traffic of Pearl Street (which includes sirens from all sorts of emergency vehicles). At times it drives me to the edge of insanity and that is when I seek some solitude of peace and quiet. I find this peace and quiet by driving out to the new property and watching other people work while shut up in my car. Hey, I could go to work for the road commission!

Nothing super profound this week, just a reminder that sometimes we need to get away from the hustle and bustle - get away from the screaming world around us and find a place of quiet to meditate on what God is teaching us and pray. There are times when God calls us to action: "Don't just sit there, do something!" But at other times He calls us to quiet: "Don't just do something, sit there."

Be still, and know that I am God... (Psalm 46:10a)

God's intention in these quiet times is not self-focus, but God-focus. The outcome of finding a place of quiet rest is primarily to gather our thoughts about God's majestic beauty - to rediscover just who is in control of this little ball of dirt we call "Earth."

I really believe this is going to be a very busy year for us at Calvary Church. We have so much to do and while that is certainly exciting it is also dangerous. It is dangerous because in all of the hustle and bustle we may end up forgetting for Whom we are doing all of this. So stop! Be still! And remember everything we do is for God's honor and the good of His children!

Grace & Peace,

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