A Painful & Proud Night


I find so much joy in being a father, but I have also experienced pain. One of the most painful experiences is watching your children leave. Tonight is one of those painful nights. Tomorrow morning (8-13-11) we are taking our youngest, Abigail Jo, to the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. The Ford Expedition is packed, her "last supper" was homemade pizza and cake pops, her boyfriend, Pace, is here, and now they are all loudly playing a game of nertz (don't ask, I can't play because I can't keep up). Behind me I can hear a lot of card-playing trash talking and loud laughter. For all of that I am thankful, but a part of me is falling apart.

One of my fondest memories of Abby is a family vacation we took to Florida. We were staying in a resort in Orlando and decided to take the clan to FAO Schwarz. We had to park about a mile away. On the long walk Abby held my hand and talked to me the entire way. That was probably 12 years ago, but to me it happened yesterday. What I love about memories is that nobody can take them away from you and that one will always stay in my heart.

I am absolutely thrilled that Abby is going off to college. I am so proud of the decisions she has made up to this point in her life. She is a deeply spiritual young woman and she has my gratitude and respect. I love her with all of my heart and will continue to pray everyday that she stays cross-centered and safe.

A Proud & Sad Daddy,

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