Soul Gardening

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Okay, I must confess that I love the fact that the steel is going up on the new property! Progress is exciting and contagious. In my wildest dreams I never imagined we would be at this point so early in my pastoral ministry at Calvary, but God knew what He was doing. More amazing than the concrete and steel being put up on the new property is the spirit of the people at Calvary Church. You all are such a blessed people to pastor and I am thankful everyday for the honor of being called your "pastor."

In thinking about what I wanted to write to you this week I thought of at least one caution for us all: Don't get so caught up in the future of moving into a new building that we forget about ministering in the present! There is a serious danger is focusing so much attention on the move of tomorrow that we neglect what God has called us to do today. I really believe that we will lose our focus of honoring the great majesty of our God and helping the body of Christ at Calvary if all of our attention is given over to a new building. One area we must focus on is reaching new people who belong at Calvary no matter where we are meeting. We cannot afford to wait; we cannot allow the providential appointments God puts in our paths to slip past.

God has providentially and strategically placed us in our families, schools, neighborhoods, workplaces and hangouts to plant the seed of the gospel or to water that seed. And remember, it is not up to us to harvest...that is God's business.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6).

The reason God orchestrates His work this way is to maximize the glory He receives when a life is radically changed through His gospel.

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth (1 Corinthians 3:7).

We need to know our place in God's "soul gardening" plan. So, let's put on the gloves, get out the seed and watering can and get into the garden!

Grace & Peace,

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