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Sometimes we get our eyes off the goal; something else grabs our attention; we get distracted. Whenever this happens the results can be tragic. Take for example rescuing someone who is drowning: you are taught to never take your eyes off the victim; if a person goes under you are supposed to keep an eye on where you last saw them. A lifeguard who takes their eyes off the target could cause someone to lose their life.

In the church we too must have only one goal - one target. This goal must always and ever be the first priority of the church. If we lose focus then the results will be tragic. Let me remind all of us what the target of Calvary Baptist Church is:

The church exists for only one purpose: to spread the fame of God. It must be our desire to accurately reflect our Heavenly Father to everyone with whom we come into contact. No matter what the circumstance, we should want everyone to walk away with the right impression of our God.

If people have the right idea about God, then they will have the right idea about us. We are a people who love others because God first loved us; we serve others because God serves us; we care about the needs of others because God has always been faithful to care for our needs.

In making God big and us small, I believe that we will be on the right path to hitting the target of making God the center of everything in our lives. We just can't get over how great and good God is!

I have come to learn that not everyone will be happy with the choice we make in flooring, but that is not the focus of the church. My goal cannot be, must not be, to make everyone happy with the new building. My goal must be to shepherd you to keep your focus on the majesty and glory of God. Flooring is way down the list of priorities; God's glory is at the top of the list.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Grace & Peace,

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