Relationships Trump Rules!


Relationships trump rules! Now I like things in their place and everybody operating on a “let’s cooperate” basis, but in real life it doesn’t happen that way. You see, “let’s cooperate” is code for “do it my way…or else!” I wish this was a lesson I learned a long time ago, but I admit that I am slow. Let me translate…

I like my schedules, my online calendar rules my day, my routine helps my day to run smoothly, my MapQuest on my phone gets me to my destinations in the shortest amount of time, etc. Do you see the common denominator? It’s all about me when it should be all about HIM and YOU. What I have allowed in my life (that is so very dangerous) is for rules to rule, while relationships have fallen on tough times. Yes, I am the proverbial guy who keeps running his bumper car into the corner thinking I’ll get turned around pretty soon. Well, pretty soon is now!

The life of Jesus is a great example of how relationships trump rules. John writes about an account in John 9:1,

And as he passed by, He saw a man blind from birth.

Do you see it? What astounds me about this verse is that in the middle of a busy day going here and doing that Jesus noticed someone’s hurt. Too many times I have passed by someone hurting and not even noticed. I justify this by saying that I am a busy man or that somebody else will take care of that. What God is saying to me is, “Scott, I want you to stop and insert my grace and love.”

This digs deep into the core of my being…how about you? I know I’m not the only one out here suffering from relationship atrophy. No matter what gets stacked on your plate or how busy your day is make sure you notice people around you. Don’t ignore their hurts. Do something about it. Just walk across the room and insert grace and love into their lives. Our lives are meant to impact people right now for eternity!

I Love You,


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