What Do We Treasure?

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I can clearly see the flow of Jesus’ thought in His teaching on the mountain. After He tells His disciples how to pray in Matthew 6:5-13, He transitions into forgiveness. For those who will not forgive how can they pray effectively; sin is a deterrent to God listening to us. The Master Teacher then moves into the territory of fasting-prayer. His focus here is on the mechanics of this type of prayer…it is a private matter, between my God and me. When we fast and pray we are communicating that God is our consuming passion, not our appetite, or anything else. Staying with the theme of our passions, He next teaches us about treasuring. Whatever we treasure reveals our heart. Jesus said,

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.(Matthew 6:21 ESV)

I like what R. Kent Hughes wrote about this,

            “If anything in this world is everything to you, it is an earthly treasure.”

I found what Jesus said to be very convicting. This is something I just can’t get out of my mind this week. I am trying to develop some penetratingly honest questions to ask myself about what I treasure. Through these questions I hope to reveal to myself what it is I am really pursuing in life.

I don’t believe it is enough to tell God that He is most important to us and then live like our car, home, retirement, time, savings, family, job, power, image, etc. are truly at the center of our lives. We just don’t have the luxury of time on our hands to play around with the life with which God has gifted us.

When I come to the end of my life I want to face God and hear that I was faithful. I also want to be remembered not for the things I accumulated and left in the garage. I know that God doesn’t really care what I’ve collected in this life; and I believe Barb and the kids won’t care a lick about the clothes in my closet, the awards on my wall, or the junk in my garage…I want their love and respect! I want people to cry because they miss my investment in their lives, not because my shoes don’t fit them or the lawn mower doesn’t even start.

Grace & Peace,


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