I Am One Blessed Man

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As I think about this weekend in light of Homecoming 2009 at Calvary Church I consider myself one blessed man! I have so much for which to be thankful because God has blessed me in overwhelming and sometimes surprising ways. Let me explain...

I am the son of the most wonderful Father anyone could ever have. I have been adopted into a spiritual family that gives me a sense of belonging. With the spiritual inheritance that is mine in the heavens there is not a single think I really lack. Sure, there are things I want, but when I consider the spiritual treasure house that is available to me all my wants fade into dust and ashes. They are but dreams that sometimes turn into nightmares. They are things that quickly pale in comparison to the spiritual community to which I now belong.

I have been super blessed in my earthly family. God has blessed me with a wife who is second to none. She is one I don't deserve and certainly because of the grace of God has been my support in everything we've done over the last 25 years. God has gifted me with four children who deeply love God and are part of my spiritual family as well. I have parents who have always loved and supported me. And a sister and brother who have consistently expressed that they are "for me" even when it wasn't convenient.

I am the pastor of the best group of genuine followers of Jesus Christ. They have grown through the Word I have the privilege of preaching each week. They never grow tired of my rantings, and are quick to forgive when necessary. I have the greatest job in the world and often pray that it will never end. Calvary is a church where the cross is central in everything we do. No, we aren't perfect, but we are striving to live in light of Calvary.

When Homecoming rolls around for me it is an opportunity to take stock of my life and thank God for magnificently blessing me. What is your reflection this year? For what do you give thanks? I would encourage you to spend some time after reading this and think about God's blessings, and then actually write them out to share with others. You may not have the platform of a weekly article, but certainly you have people in your life who would love to hear how thankful you are. Maybe a good opportunity for you would be to come to Homecoming 2009 and share some of those blessings around the table.

Grace & Peace,

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