A Charge to Keep



For many decades the church has gotten off the track regarding its deacons. The pendulum has swung from one extreme to the other in identifying the role and responsibilities of this group. On one extreme you have deacons who are only the “Pastor’s Pals”; they are there only to support whatever agenda he has…no questions asked. The other extreme envisions deacons as a group who “run” the church; they are the ones who call the shots and even the pastor better beware because his job is on the line if he disobeys the deacons.

I believe that both the above views are wrong. The one view dissolves the biblical vision of a deacon, while the other blurs any distinctive function of a deacon. From scripture I understand that a deacon’s responsibilities and priorities flow from that of the pastor’s. The Bible is very clear on a shepherd’s responsibilities and priorities:

“…We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:4)

A pastor’s clear focus must be on two priorities…prayer and the ministry of the Word. A single-minded tenacity on praying and ministering the Word is the most fulfilling work that I can do. This is the sacred charge that I have been given, and it is not something I take lightly. These two priorities have always been under attack. Getting focused on other good things is what hinders me from doing what God has called me to do. Any neglect of these priorities sabotages God’s work. Replacing these priorities with budgets, buildings and bean counting will highjack what God is trying to accomplish through me at Calvary.

Now please understand, I don’t believe I am “God’s gift to Calvary.” I can easily be replaced (not looking to be replaced though). I am just saying that from scripture I clearly see what I need to do. If a pastor’s priorities are prayer and the Word, then the deacon’s priorities involve ministering in ways that enable me to do this.

This brings me to what I want to say about our deacons at Calvary: They are Spirit-filled men who enable me to do what God has called me to do! I love and respect each of them and count it a privilege to serve alongside of them. They are enabling me to pray and spend time in the Word. They allow me the thrill of fulfilling my sacred charge. They understand that they too have a sacred charge from God. The deacons at Calvary are men who lift the burdens off me that don’t need to be there.

Much more could be written but I will save that for later. I just want to say, “Thank you deacons.”

Grace & Peace,

Great Is Your Faithfulness



Anticipation has been high around Calvary. We were excited about the possibility of buying a piece of property. During this time my prayer has always been, “God, if you want us to buy this property then we will, if You don’t then we will move on.” I sincerely believed that if we were dependent on Him for this decision then He would honor that dependence and show us what His will was. God would be faithful to us. You know what? He did just that. Early Friday night (3-6-09) I got a call that revealed to us God’s answer to our prayer…don’t buy the property. It was just that simple…that direct. He didn’t speak to us in an audible or visible way; God simply lead us the way He does, in a providential way.

Often we are looking for a “sign” but sometimes a sign just doesn’t honor God the way trusting God for His providential leadership does. Just because we see people asking for a sign in the Bible (especially the Old Testament) doesn’t mean that it is for us today. Gideon’s fleece was a test for God. In fact, he didn’t trust it the first time and so he reversed it for a second test. As you read Judges 6:36-40 you get the sense that Gideon was at least a little unsure of the results, and he was afraid that God would be upset at him for even doing this.

So, where does this leave us today? We must remember that Gideon didn’t have the Bible to turn to for guidance, but we do. Also, Gideon was alone, but we are not. All of us must be consistently praying about where God would have us to relocate. We should also be in His Word seeking wisdom and guidance. Calvary should also be doing His will right now, every moment of every day. These practices set us up for God revealing to us the place to move.

In making such an important decision about the “where” of God’s will we can’t leave it to chance. This is serious business. We are not just building for us; we are building for our grandchildren’s children. I was reminded of that in the deacons’ meeting Sunday night (3-8-09). We have inherited something wonderful. I was challenged by a deacon to ask, “What am I leaving for the next generation?”

I am not discouraged…how can I be when God reveals His will? I hope you are not discouraged either. Our property will sell and we will move. All I can do right now is stand in awe of God’s faithfulness. Are you doing the same?

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Grace & Peace,

What I Am Holding On To Will Be Tested



From the book of James we read that our faith will be tested; he writes, “…the testing of your faith…” so that we will know it will happen. The question is not “if” but “when.” This is what we could call the inevitability of testing. Now, no question about it, Job experienced this gut-wrenching, white-knuckle test of faith. A life-altering statement he made captures this:

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” (Job 23:10)

God wants to know what our faith is holding on to…His promises or our stuff. When we are holding on to what we can see and touch then God doesn’t much figure into the equation. At times I have a tendency to live my life by faith in my “stuff.” Having faith in my “stuff” can mean I am trusting in what I have in the bank, my good health, smooth relationships, success, or what plans I can put together.

A couple of things happen when our faith is parked here—first, we leave no room for God to work. It really isn’t faith at all (at least not the “I can only trust God” kind). If the ducks are all in a row then God is no longer needed and too often He is kicked to the back room where we can get to Him if the times really get tough.

Second, when my “stuff” falls apart then my life falls apart. When this happens I no longer have a leg to stand on and I am left empty, confused, and frustrated. This is a horrible feeling in life and feels like we are in the ocean drowning with no help in sight. I believe that God will allow us to “go it alone” if that is our choice, but remember, it is not His desire.

When our faith is in God’s promises then any fire we face will be difficult but endurable. Why? Because nothing, and I mean really nothing, can burn God out of the picture of our life. He can withstand the pressure and heat of any fire that comes our way. You see, God cannot be taken away and His promises never fail.

I will admit that this is not an easy way. If it were easy many would jump on the band wagon and there would be no true faith…no trust. It would amount to rubbing the proverbial genie bottle to get us out of trouble. Real faith in God’s promises is what God is after.

Grace & Peace,