Commercialism erodes our affections; it forces us to think too much about the here-and-now when we should have our focus on the riches in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). What if we had to live the entire year under the frenzied pressure of the "more monster"? I don't think any of us could handle a weekly "Black Friday" (unless of course you are in retail or are one of my daughters).
I think we spend too many of our resources on what is under the tree instead of preparing our hearts for the Advent. Culture is moving toward a "holiday" celebration where present are king instead of investing in preparation of the presence of the King.
One of the major downfalls of this is that we perpetuate our own selfishness. We are teaching the next generation that it is ok to be greedy and fall head-0ver-heels in love with the things this world has to offer. We are training the next generation of "Black Friday" shoppers to be even more consumed with wanting and expecting more stuff.
John Stott wrote, "Materialism tethers our hearts to this earth." This right on target because it's grounded in biblical truth. Remember what Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34)?
I am not advocating emptiness under the tree. I still believe giving gifts in moderation can be an expression of God's grace and our love to one another. What I am encouraging is a little less under the tree and a little more time at home...a little less spending on the over stuffed and a little more spending on the hungry...less consumerism and more compassion. God's present was His presence, why should we do any different?
God's intention in giving His gift was to change the world and I still believe Christmas can change the world, but it must start with me...with you...with us!
Something I've been thinking about this year that will actually be put into use next Christmas (yes, I actually do plan that far ahead) is "The Advent Conspiracy." I've found the following website helpful in the beginning stage of my thought process:
Grace & Peace,