As a church we have much to consider over the next several weeks. We must think soberly over an offer that has been made to us for our present meeting site. Is this the best offer? Can we move out in the time frame proposed to us? Should we try to find a temporary location to meet? Is the timing right?
We must think critically through the building the Phase One Planning Ministry Team is going to present to the church on Sunday night, September 19. Are enough classrooms proposed for the near future? Is the auditorium too big or too small? And two issues every young mother is concerned about: (1) What is the nursery facility like? (2) How nice are the bathroom?
Above all, this is a time of prayer. I beg of you to be earnest in your prayers. This is a time for some to fast while praying. For all it is a time of constant, stretched-to-the-limits praying. We must seek the kind of wisdom that only God can, and will, provide at a time such as this. A verse the Lord keeps reminding me of and directs my prayers is Proverbs 3:5-6,
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
We all have our opinions but the only one that counts is the Lord's opinion. If His will prevails then we cannot fail; if our will prevails then we are destined to fail! We must not just grab the bull by the horns; instead we must enter the throne room of the holy of holies through the blood of the slaughtered Lamb. He will give us the answers for which we are looking if we only seek His face. And let's don't grow weary in our praying, because we have a Father who never tires of hearing from us!
Grace & Peace,