Why Get Baptized?

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I’m sitting here thinking about my brother, Jack’s, baptism. I am also reflecting back on David Brunson’s as well. It was such an honor to be the one to baptize these men. I have been in the tank many times and God still humbles and amazes me every time someone is baptized. This brings me to a question I want to try and answer this week: “Why do people get baptized?”

For one, baptism is something the Lord expects of all His genuine followers. The Bible declares,

But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. (Acts 8:12)

Being baptized is just synonymous with being a disciple of Jesus Christ. God never imagined that His children would balk at being baptized.

Secondly, Jesus Himself was baptized and we should want to follow His example. Jesus’ life is not just something to write about and admire; His life is one that we should emulate. In fact that is part of what spiritual growth is about…becoming more like Jesus.

Finally, baptism is a public testimony. It is public because everybody should know that we mean business about fully following Jesus. We are not a secret society that does things behind closed doors; we are open about what we do. The church needs to see believers who are not ashamed of being identified with the One who gave His life publicly!

If you have not been baptized what are you waiting for? Give me a call so we can talk about it. I would love to be the one who baptizes you for the honor of God and the encouragement of others.

Calvary Is Awesome!


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