Top 10 Reasons I Blog


Hello...anybody out there? I really believe in this thing called "blogging"; I've actually arrived at this point in my life through the promptings of the Spirit, but I honestly don't think anybody is really reading my wandering words. So, why do I actually take the time to write? I'm glad you asked. Here are the "Top 10 Reasons I Blog":
  1. I blog when I don't have anything else to do, and because I am a pastor I have plenty of time on my hands. After all I only work on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights!
  2. I'm hoping that the internet is not just a passing fancy and that my writings will be read by my great, great, great grandchildren.
  3. No publishing house has approached me to write a book, so I am actually doing that one post at a time.
  4. It's free and I can't resist a good deal.
  5. Other people are doing it, so why not me.
  6. I think it's cool to say, "Yeah, I blog."
  7. "Blogging"? I thought I was signing up for "clogging."
  8. I have an opinion about everything, but nobody asks me what it is.
  9. I wanted more than obituaries to show up when people googled my name.
  10. Those who sing, sing...those who write, write. I don't sing!
That's All I Got,

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