Get Caught Up in the Story Line of the Bible

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We need to get caught up in the story line of the Bible! Too often the programs and the parties of the church trump the truth. We become more concerned about the machinery than biblical history. Churches have a tendency to follow the next fad of popular Christianity that is driven by budgets, buildings and numbers. What has happened is that we measure the success of the church by a standard of programming instead of disciple making (cf. the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8).

The story line of the Bible is the theme we discover as we read the Scriptures. At times it is a tragic story of disobedience. This is the human element of doubt, distrust and denial. We find this when the characters of the Bible manipulated the plan of God for their own ends. Examples of this are Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden; Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to the rock because of anger; Daniel's adultery, attempted trickery, and eventual murder of Uriah; Judas' betrayal; the Pharisees' plot to kill Jesus; Thomas doubting the resurrection; etc. This part of the story line (failure) teaches us the frailty and need of humanity. The powerful lesson of failure is: We cannot do this without God's grace.

At other times the story line of the Bible is a beautiful story of obedience. It is about God's grace enabling men and women to accomplish great things. Examples of this are Abraham and Isaac; Joseph in Egypt; Ruth's faithfulness; the disciples following Jesus; Stephen being killed for his faith; and the stories go on. The powerful lesson of obedience is: God uses common people to accomplish His will.

All of this is ultimately for the purpose of the glory of God. God's plan is the He would receive all the honor for stepping into a seemingly impossible situation. This is the story line of the Bible...let's get caught up in it!

Grace & Peace,

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