Don't Neglect Such a Great Salvation!

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This week we will be worshiping God the Father by remembering the sacrifice of His Son. The Lord's Supper is always an important time of worship for the church. It has also become a time to which I look forward. As a pastor-teacher I love opening the Word and discovering what the Bible teaches about our Savior. In theology we call this "Christology." I especially enjoy the study of the cross and how it molds, changes and centers our lives as disciples.

In my studies on the Lord's Supper I have come to understand it as a sacred meal. It is sacred because of the meaning behind it. No other meal we eat has such a rich history behind it. I don't approach my morning oatmeal in the same way I come to the Lord's Table. It is also sacred because of Who ultimately prepares it for us. When somebody diligently prepares our favorite meal it has a special meaning to us. You know what I can't wait to get to the table because of what awaits you. The Lord's Table is so much more! It causes us to go well beyond our stomachs to our souls. It touches not our physical appetite but our spiritual one. It satisfies pains that are celestial not earthly.

The passage of Scripture I have chosen to examine this week is found in Hebrews. We will be proverbially "skipping the rock" through chapter 2 as I will be pointing out some of the highlights that pertain to the question the writer poses in verse 3:

How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?

I want to encourage you to read through Hebrews 2 several times over this weekend in preparation for our Sunday worship. Try to set a grasp of why it is so important for us not to neglect such a great salvation. Ask questions like: "What am I escaping?" "How could I neglect my salvation?" "Why does he call it a great salvation?" You may come up with some other questions that touch your walk with Christ, just don't be afraid to ask and investigate.

Grace & Peace,

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