Summer Intern, Summer VBS, Summer Sermon Series

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I want to welcome aboard Ben Linnerud as our Summer Intern! His main focus will be working with the youth, but his duties will also include planning a couple of activities for the children. Yes, I’m pretty excited about working with Ben for the next several weeks. It will be good for son and dad to spend time together in this particular setting. It is a joy to be able to offer him his “first” job as a pastor, and it is an honor to sharpen iron together with him. Do your best to make him feel at home. If you need him for anything don’t hesitate to call (237-4870); he is here to serve you.

Vacation Bible School begins Monday! Beat the bushes and get as many kiddos as you can out to Calvary Church each night. Every night we will be offering a free snack supper at 5:30 with Bible school starting at 6:15. The kids will enjoy relevant Bible teaching, nail biting games, funtastic crafts, and scrumptious snacks. On Friday night we are going to have a family fun carnival! The kids will sing some of the songs they learned, parents will get to meet and mingle with the VBS CREW, and then we will play on the inflatable rides, eat popcorn and devour shaved ice! How awesome is that?! I can’t imagine a kid (or adult) that wouldn’t want to be a part of VBS week. However, due to space limitations we can only offer VBS to the kids, but everyone can come on Friday!

I am starting a new series this week on The Lazy Man from Proverbs 26:13-16. I want to challenge you to memorize those four verses by the end of the series. This will be a refreshingly short four-week series that I believe has the potential to transform our lives in a powerful way as we seek to obey Christ.

Grace & Peace,

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