This week I want to recap the
last message series. Believing the gospel is not enough; we must also be doing
the gospel. Doing the gospel involves loving,
listening, speaking, and living.
Love is what moves us to people. Love
is the motivator behind our actions as believers. Love is the starting point
for our behavior. Love causes us to do things that are supernatural. Love is
essential to mission.
Before we can talk to someone
about who Jesus is and what He did we need to listen to their story. Everyone has a
story to tell about his or her life. We don’t listen for the sake of checking
listening off the list; we genuinely and prayerfully listen to identify what
our friend believes their purpose is (creation), where they think things went
wrong (fall), who, or what, will rescue them (redemption), and what their
ultimate hope is (restoration).
Once we know their story we can
now speak God’s
story as His ambassadors. As believers we also believe this pattern is God’s
story as well – creation, fall, redemption and restoration. God created us to
honor Him and spread His fame; however, Adam (and us as well) had a better
idea: live for self and spread my own fame. The fall is where every thing went
wrong. But, God provided redemption for all through His Son Jesus. Jesus is the
Hero in God’s story. Jesus is the only one who can rescue us from our rebellion
against God and recreate us to once again live for God’s glory. God will one
day restore all things to the way He originally created it and intended it to
exist. We will honor God forever; we will live in peace with one another
forever; we will joyfully serve God forever – that is our ultimate hope.
With all of this we must
remember that “doing the gospel” words make no sense if they are not backed up
by a “doing the gospel” life. Living the gospel is essential if we want people to hear
the life-transforming message of the gospel.
This series was meant to
encourage all of us to begin praying that God would reveal to us who He is
calling us to. What relationship(s) does God want you to begin building? God
has sovereignly placed us in families, neighborhoods, jobs and gyms to be
missionaries. It may take some time to build a relationship bridge to that
person, but with patience and wisdom it will happen. And I would love to hear
your story about how God did this.
Grace & Peace,