Happy Father's Day

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Happy Father’s Day! This is a pretty awesome weekend for us guys, right? No lawn work, don’t have to wash dishes, forget about washing the car, fixing the broken stuff around the house, no way; but you’re saying, “Ok, I get it, but who’s going to do all those things?” My answer: that’s why we have the week after Father’s Day – catch up week! Just kidding.
Being a dad is great but it’s also hard work. I’ve always believed that if you put in the time, energy, blood, sweat and tears early then as the kids get older it’ll be easier. So, if you’re a dad of “ankle bitters” fight, work diligently, put in every ounce of effort to raise those kids in the fear, love and admiration of God. They are worth the time.
Think about it this way…usually you’ll work at more than one place in your lifetime; you might even have more than one career, and one day you will walk away forever from a perfectly good job (it’s called retirement). But we still put so much effort into work; we spend exorbitant amounts of time at the office, and still jobs come and jobs go, but kids – that’s a different story. They are yours for life. Shepherding a child’s heart is one investment that is worth the exertion, determination, sacrifice and risk. Dads, you can do it because God has given you everything you need to be a good dad. He’s given you a father-shepherd’s heart and He’s given you a manual from which to teach – the Bible.
On a personal note…I have loved every stage of fatherhood and I am learning a new one now. It is exciting and a pleasure to be the dad of adult kids. I really have a great time uniquely interacting with each of our brood. For one it’s be a tearfully deep conversation in the car over coffee; for another it’s a weekly FaceTime Bible Study; for another it’s catch up texting or a 3 mile run and talk; for another it’s Sunday lunches with her new husband. The relationships never end; they just take on a different and, may I say, “deeper” dimension.
What I would say to you dads today is: enjoy Father’s Day and let it remind you that you have a God-given opportunity to shepherd your children’s hearts. Do it well, do it with diligence and do it through the Word!
Grace & Peace,


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